Friday, August 1, 2014

Last minute thoughts and preparations.

 I am really going to miss exploring Boston by dinghy.
It forces you to really look around...
...slow down...
...and appreciate what's around you...
...without (much) distraction.

Last West Marine visit ($160 for what Dan holds...grrr).
Last minute review.
Last minute packing. It goes on and on. 

The final hole has been drilled and filled in Sarah's transom for the windvane and we are casting later today for the Boston Islands for the night then hopefully P-Town on Saturday. The past week has been very exciting. The weight of some major projects finally off our shoulders. We have spent our time with friends and family while provisioning. Mind you, our first stops are P-Town-Nantucket-Martha's Vineyard,  so our provisioning is not that of a blue water voyage.

We have been asked what we will miss the most.

Dan reports (in this order)
-friends and family
-his bicycle
-Ace Hardware
-figs pizza
-Style Cafe breakfast sandwiches

Allyson reports
-an unlimited water supply. (No, we do not have a salt water faucet or water purifier).
-friends and family
-exploring Boston 
-New England in the fall

I don't know what that says about our priorities. But here we go!


  1. Have a save trip! All the best!

    "Man mus seine Segel in den unendlichen Wind stellen. Dann erst werden wir spüren welcher Fahrt wir fähig sind."

  2. Bon Voyage! It's been the best having you guys living near us while we had so many major life event . We will really miss you and we can't wait to see and hear about all your adventures. Love you lots! Julie, Baer and Charlie

  3. Great time last night on Brewster sending you both off on your journey and can't wait to visit somewhere in the fabulous virgin Islands! !!! Have a safe trip and the time of your lives! !!!! Talk soon!
